“z/TPF - zVM - z/OS ”
Main Frame z/TPF Specialist and “Full Stack Developer”
Full Stack Developer
Having contributed my talents in IT to improving the services of organizations in the
and steel
I seek a company in need of someone with exceptional wide range IT experience and
leadership skills. I offer my experience and abilities in grasping requirements and formulating specifications with new technologies in mind.
Taking responsibility of a task or project to completion has been a distinct characteristic throughout my career.
I care about my work and take pride in my accomplishments
throughout the software development life cycles from planning, deployment, maintenance and support.
Although more productive when working alone, I work well with others to meet big project objectives.
The idiom “
Time is always of the essence”
drives me to get up early.
Focusing on my objectives, combined with sustained relentless, patient, and respectful attitude has helped me achieve my goals.
Experience in
Front End
Experience with Networks and
Experience in
Back End
System maintenance, enhancements, programming, coverage and problem resolutions, database access, data analytics and security.
Held various responsibilities
from developing requirement specifications for strategic redesign, development, testing, deployment to maintenance,
adhering to AGILE methadologies as SCRUM master.
In addition to the above mentioned industries, my experience
includes working in the health care, hospital, medical, retail, Real Estate and entertainment.
“Challenging projects motivate me to exceed expectations”.
Employment History
Independent Software Contractor
zTPF Software Contractor, Full Stack Web Contractor, Las Vegas, Nevada
Full Stack Consultant & Coverage
Federal Express (FedEx), El Segundo, California & Memphis, Tennesee
Systems Analyst
Chicago Board Options Exchange, Chicago, Illinois
Software Engineer
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lead Systems Analyst
Delta Airlines, Atlanta, Georgia
Systems Analyst
Galileo Centre Europe, Swindon, England
Systems Analyst
IBM - Germany / Amadeus, Munich, Germany
Software Engineer
IBM – Korea / Korean Airlines, Seoul, South Korea
Software Engineer
IBM - Canada / Gemini, Winnipeg & Toronto, Canada
Senior Systems Analyst
Continental Airlines System One, El Segundo, California
Programmer Analyst
Chicago Board Options Exchange, Chicago, Illinois
Programmer Employee
Market Research Corp. of America, Northbrook, Illinois
Schwinn Bicycle Company , Chicago, Illinois
Contract Programmer
Baxter Travenol Industries, Northbrook, Illinois
Contract Programmer
CF Industries, Lake Zurich, Illinois
Contract Programmer
Wisconsin Steel Corporation, South Chicago, Illinois
Junior Programmer
F.J. Littell Machine Company, Chicago, Illinois
My later Formattive Years
At the end of 5th Form, College & University
1967 1974
Medical Assistant/Nurse's Aide
Mary Thompson Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Musician & Entertainer
Midwest America Night Clubs, Hotel Lounges & Concert Halls
Stock Room clerk
Montgomery Ward, Chicago, Illinois
Laundry & Receiving Room Clerk
John Hancock residences from the 44th floor, Chicago, Illinois
Neighborhood Nursing Home, Chicago, Illinois
Assistant Photo Shop Clerk
Photo Printing Shop
Rental Clerk
Tuxedo Rental Shop, Los Angeles, California
Filing Clerk
Philippine Embassies in Lagos, Nigeria and Lisbon, Portugal
On June 14, 2014 an unlimited civil complaint was filed by our 2nd counsel at the Orange County Superior Court in California against
brokers and their officers for breach of contract, negligence, negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentations and breach of
fiduciary duty that led to foreclosure of Real Estate property that occurred in 2012.
For the next four years the case dragged along. Finally, after several extension hearings, another court date was set.
Two weeks before the Jury Trial date of 02/22/2016,
I took
over as Self-Represented plaintiff after my attorney filed and was granted ex parte to be relieved as counsel. He failed to file motion for
discovery! The tasks to prepare for trial included learning and preparing motions on pleading paper and electronic filing to court. These tasks
included but not limited to:
adhering to strict court procedures,
attending case management conferences, mandatory settlements, hearings,
demanding discovery from the opposition, their officers and banks, Ex Parte pleadings, sorting out multiple Motions in Limine prohibiting
evidence and Fee Waivers, preparing subpoenas to serve witnesses, Rule 317 pre-trial compliance,
distribution of exhibits, diagrams, evidence and CACI jury instructions for the five causes of action lawsuit,
the opening statement, questions and cross examination of witnesses at the Trial from 11/28/2017 to 1/30/2017.
Self-Represented Litigant
Henderson, Nevada
The trial was a sad "travesty" held at the Orange County Superior Court in Santa Ana, California.
On the first day of hearing, Judge Andrew Banks at first sounded very kind and persuaded us to forego a jury trial which we had already paid for.
We immediately proceeded to trial.
The opposing counsel gave notice that the remaining defendants will not appear.
My opening statement was quickly dismissed.
Testimonies from our witnesses were heard. A testimony from a lawyer we subpoenaed was also heard.
Self-Represented Litigant
Henderson, Nevada
The opposing counsel knew the judge very well and never said a word. On the second day, the judge walked out without giving a court order
and the clerk instructed us to go home. Without funds to continue or file petition for a Mistrial. The vice-president
and his legal partners disappeared.
We pray someday for justice.
@COMPANY_DETAIL_XX xxx$$$??? Autumn Star Sound LLC dba Eurasian Reflexology
Autumn Star Sound LLC dba Eurasian Reflexology
Brea, California
I sold the business because of the long hours and planned to open another one in the Far East; but the buyers abandoned in 2013 while I was
in Asia. I returned and moved to Nevada. In the F all of 2018, the case was settled. Funding should complete with the last payment on September
30, 2025.
Continue on call services with FedEx during Mainframe outages, application development, and assurance test support.
Short contracts to build web pages for small businesses.
I have developed and maintained over 2,000 web pages since 1997.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Website development started while cozily cooped up in my downtown Chicago apartment in the winter of 1996,
with cumbersome dial-up speeds of between 14k to 28k, I began awkwardly creating and testing web pages
into the wee hours.
In 2002 I acquired two “last name” domains with the next renewal for on 04/04/2024 and on 04/07/2027.
Since 2004, as a part time developer using Frontpage, Microsoft Expression, Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash and other tools, I developed
commercial websites for a Dental office, Law office, Holistic Healing, Contractors, Restaurant, Real Estate, Churches and the Holy Family Cathedral in the Diocese of Orange, California.
Independent Web Master
From Brea, California to Las Vegas Nevada
With the Closing of the FedEx office in El Segundo, I relocated to Nevada where I continue to work independently as intructor, short contracts, and web services.
Responsible for supporting ALL Application programmers. Provided 24x7 On-Call coverage support for Network Outage/Data Disaster Recovery.
Responsible for overall Systems support SNA, 3270 Native Console Support, Data Collection/Reduction Support, FACE, SAL, VM/CMS, TSO, TCP/IP
protocol, XML, CLAW interface, DNS, IMS, Message Switching (MSW).
Responsible for upgrading the Operating System to TPF PUT Level 21 for z/TPF migration in FCTB, RIAT, SIP, COMMs and user exits.
Automated the bi-annual Time Change and Truck Route update process. Developed and implement Federal Compliance and accountability packages.
Improved and fully Automate the Assurance testing, Production implementation and fallback processes of application programs.
Full participation and support in the Y2K project readiness and implementation.
Federal Express (FedEx)
El Segundo, California
I received a special citation award by Automating the Bi-Annual Time Change and truck routes.
I saved the company money; but sadly caused the reduction of the Help Desk & Support Departments shortly thereafter.
Feb 8, 2007 - Federal Express started building a 113,000 square foot data center in Colorado.
Feb 8, 2007 - Federal Express started building a 113,000 square foot data center in Colorado.
On November 29, 2007 on my way home, I was rear ended by a speeding truck causing a three car collision on the Eastbound 101 Freeway. The
horrific automobile accident resulted in a prolonged medical leave. My Contract was terminated after a prolonged medical leave. It took three
years for me to rehabilitate.
Eleven years after leaving the company, my contract with KLM Cargo concluded and I returned as Systems Engineer - Consultant to reconfigure and expand the ailing
Trading Data Base which reached a disturbing 93% capacity in October 1997. The now 16-year-old database, (designed back in 1981)
had unnecessarily morphed into two redundant Electronic Book and Order Routing
System databases that doubled in size with differing characteristics and access methods that in my opinion was a product of haste and regrettably poor planning.
Liability Risks due to the busy program
trading had occurred when stock prices were not immediately synchronized from external databases as what happened in the Black Monday Stock Market
Crash of October 19, 1987. I removed the redundancies and "spare expansion fields" and reconfigured the databases to a simpler form.
A back-end API was developed to interface with both Electronic Book and Order Routing systems.
The redesign and Database Expansion project was assurance tested and implemented in 1998.
My additional tasks included: Resolving numerous problems and work requests. Enhancing (GUI) screens, expanding system database global tables. Expanding 3270 Screen mapping to support 4k message sizes. I Participated in the Y2K project planning on the TPF 4.1 platform. Finally, my last project was the designing and documenting support for Decimal Trading as required by the SEC.
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
Chicago, Illinois
The office building
had aged 10 years and many of my friends and colleagues had moved on mainly due to the
October 19, 1987 Black Monday stock market crash.
My office was 5 minutes away by taxi. The streets were kept clean by the snow plows, so the winters were welcomingly milder than a decade ago.
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
Chicago, Illinois
We purchased a home after returning from the Netherlands.
A week later, I started working at CBOE even before the arrival of our household goods.
Except for weekends and holidays, our home was vacant. After over three years,
I accepted a contracting position at Federal Express in El Segundo, California.
It was time to return HOME.
Resolved assigned Communications related system shutdowns and problems in the Airlines control program.
Reduced over all major problems by over 60%.
Provided Communications support between client server applications to Cargo IMS via TPF.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The quaint Communication Systems office building located near the airport was away from the city.
I had picked up a few Dutch phrases as a very young boy living for five years in Jakarta, Indonesia, so
I decided to attended school to learn Dutch (Nederlands); but everyone conversed back in English.
Even movies in English were not subtitled.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Before the end of my Maintenance Contract, I had arranged to ship my household back to California.
We were ready to travel the next six months before
Developed the message delivery between the IBM TPF mainframe and Unix OLTP server host via AX.25 for the Frequent Flyer program.
Proposed Communication solutions between TPF to UNIX Client servers in a variety of platforms.
Developed and Implemented Interim solutions to support the Frequent Flyer Marketing Program, including program EXITS in the END TRANSACTION
to support CASS Closeout, Manual updates, Redemptions, and Ticketing.
Delta Airlines
Atlanta, Georgia
My office was at the Delta Complex near the Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta.
The contract was only for one month of consulting services, which meant I flew every week back and forth from Orange County to Atlanta.
Upon delivering my functional specification design, I was asked to continue work on the detail specifications.
Thereafter, I continued to lead a team of half a dozen
contractors and employee programmers to develop the back-end Data Base access functions to the UNIX
server, I also kept busy writing the middleware handshake, transmission and receipt to “guarantee”
message serial integrity, queuing with priority delivery
to and from UNIX based on the airline message
switching and financial trading protocols including 'pacing' or 'slow down' options.
As the UNIX Client server was not yet available, I designed, wrote and tested a “proof of concept” program to mimic UNIX.
Delta Airlines
Atlanta, Georgia
Frequent Flyer Sky Miles Project Contract Completed and to begin a new IBM sub-contract with KLM in the Netherlands.
Applied APARS fixes to TPF Communications program segments.
Resolved Communications and Systems problems resulting in improved service for all partners, airlines.
Implemented the ALITALIA Data Compression program.
Designed and implemented the Simulated Transaction Test Accelerator and Validation package to achieve system failure.
Galileo Centre Europe
Swindon, England
Galileo Center was located in Swindon, Wiltshire, South West England and about two hours drive west of London on the M4.
Just a month after our arrival, we watched the TV in horror at the pile up of speeding vehicles as they entered dense fog on the M4 near Swindon.
There were speed limits, but no one followed the rules.
I was one of a few Americans who passed the driving test with a drivers license that expires when I reach the age of 70.
I experienced a rear collision on the A-Road and my BMW was a total loss. Does not matter if you're a safe driver.
Whereas Americans are defensive drivers, the Brits drive offensively. "That's just the rule". No wonder they had a pile up on the M4!
Galileo Centre Europe
Swindon, England
I am eternally grateful to have spent three years living in beautiful Cotswolds.
What a wonderful opportunity to have spent some time with my 2nd sister, her husband, three daughters who lived in Kent.
The impending buyout of Galileo by TravelPort made me accept a one year bonus to spend in travel.
Galileo moved to Denver, later bought by Travelport and located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Subcontracted to Amadeus Reservation System
Munich, Germany
As Communications Character Analyst, negotiated solutions between AMADEUS and EDS in Miami to support multiple international keyboard types
and character symbols for supported Travel partners.
Resolved Interface Problems in TPF Communications Design and Code.
Under contract with IBM to work on the Gemini Reservation System jointly owned by Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and the VIA rail
reservation systems. While in Toronto, I installed and tested the Bank of America LU 6.2 Pipeline Manager code to replace the Message Switching
system platform the Gemini System.
Moving to Winnipeg, I developed a proof of concept software package to illustrate and test the Universal Global Logical Identifier concept
for the Communications Management Configuration Host. After a long feud, Air Canada acquired Canadian Airlines in 2000.
IBM – Canada
Jointly was owned by Air Canada, Canadian Air and VIA Rail, Gemini
If it is cold in Winter. It is much colder in Canada. So cars are equipped with umbilical cords to warm up the
vehicles. Salt melts the snow. In a few minutes, it turns to BLACK ice! Instead they use gravel.
In the summer time, the first Monday of each month is a Holiday!
IBM – Canada
Extended contract completed and to begin IBM subcontract with Korean Airlines.
Installed Direct SLC links to AMERICAN, EASTERN, UNITED, ARINC and SITA.
By optimizing the FACE table update process, I improved the Dual Database Load that significantly decreased the one-hour system outage to 8
Implemented EASTERN Airline's SABRETALK compiler for application programmers.
Developed CMS EXECs for maintaining the BDAM files and production turnover of SABRE programs and macros.
Design and implement Online and Offline programs to display, update, and generate a cross reference report for the Accounting Location Code
in the AAA, used by Reservations Applications for Travel Agency Business Id for British Caledonia and other SHARES partner airline users.
Resolved problems in rebuilding lost tape data records and labels caused by I/O errors, re-linking of lost ON-LINE message queues and data
records, resolving looping CTL dumps, resolving ETIM abends, the rebuilding of LOST source codes from executable modules converting machine
instructions DUMP to ASSEMBLER. Continental and United Airlines merged in 2010. In 2016, United, Delta and American dissolved into one !
Continental Airlines System One
El Segundo, California
Perks galore!
First class flights when on company business.
Heavily discounted Hotel and Car Rentals with employee ID.
Employees were entitled to cheap, often free standby flights.
The best chance of getting a seat on a plane was (and probably still is) Friday the 13
After my first personal flight, I purchase a refundable discounted first or business class ticket, which came in handy for international
flights. Cost about $100 round trip, even with Partner Airlines.
Every now and then, the company would have a "duty free goods" sale on the tarmac!
Travel to Miami about once a month working on various projects takes two days.
A one stop flight across the country takes a whole day with three hour difference; more if there's traffic. I Wake up at 7AM and get in the Hotel by 5PM.
Although the trip back home is really Fast!
Continental Airlines System One
El Segundo, California
To accept my first international contract outside of the USA.
From TPF Application Programmer Trainee to Systems Lead System Software Programmer to Manager
Initially participated in the re-design of the trading system as a TPF Programmer trainee.
Developed programs for transferring data to external services. Developed the CBOE unique 3270/Quotron Terminal Device Mapping package.
After the deployment of the new trading system and as Lead Senior System Software Programmer/Analyst I was promoted and tasked to plan the conversion of
all legacy system financial functionalities to the new IBM mainframe.
As Manager of Distributed Systems, I was responsible for developing and managing technology projects, planning, communication, task
allocations, setting milestones and reporting.
Eleven years later, upon my return from KLM Cargo as Software Engineer in the Netherlands to return home to the
the United States, I will be invited back to consolidate and expand the problematic Trading Databases and design the Decimal Trading System.
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago, Illinois
The new office building was not yet ready to be occupied when I started. For just a few months, we were located across the street at the
Chicago Board of Trade building.
I never saw an office so modern and beautiful. The toilets were Luxurious.
Determination pays indeed with the recognition of bonuses, promotions and, continuous pay raises.
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago, Illinois
The coldest winter was good enough reason to relocate to sunny El Segundo, Southern California.
Market Research Corporation of America (MRCA), Northbrook, Illinois $myDate = Aug 1979 to Sep 1981 @ExperienceHdr_Name&Dates =
@ExperienceHdr_Name&Dates =
As Project Leader, responsible for maintaining various data reduction/statistical programs in COBOL, ASSEMBLER, RPG, FORTRAN, RAMIS and
other languages. Reports from these programs provide valuable information to retail and consumer service industries.
Market Research Corp. of America
Northbrook, Illinois
I was hired when the company was still located in an old building on Michigan Avenue, downtown Chicago.
On or about the Fall of 1979, the company relocated to the new modern office building and computer in the northern suburb of Northbrook, Illinois.
Market Research Corp. of America
Northbrook, Illinois
Opportunity to move back closer to Chicago and learn TPF-1, the new Airlines Control Program.
I started as the part-time night shift computer operator and later promoted to full time programmer. I was tasked to maintain
inventory application using fortran on an IBM System 3 floppy disk system.
Specializing in legacy Languages from IBM System/3 (1969) to IBM 370 Mainframes (1990)
Schwinn Bicycle Company
Chicago, Illinois
Schwinn Bicycle Company was a family
owned business located near my neighborhood.
In the evening, I would manually sort stacks of 80 column punched cards and feed these into the System 3 card reader for processing.
It took about two hours for the job to run on the IBM System 3 computer. There was a supervisor, a secretary, three card punch operators and myself.
I would take my long break reading product catalogues, figuring out program codes or and try out the latest bicycle models around the long hallways.
Schwinn Bicycle Company
Chicago, Illinois
Opportunity to move back closer to Chicago and learn TPF-1, the new Airlines Control Program.
In case of death and after the staff nurse has cleaned and dressed deceased,
I am usually called to assist to tag the body,
place the body in a bag if necessary. I would roll the
body down the elevator to the basement for storage, noting which fridge number I placed the body.
Mary Thompson Hospital
140 N Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Il, 60607
The Hospital closed fourteen years later in 1988.
Mary Thompson Hospital
Chicago, Illinois
Opportunity to move back closer to Chicago and learn TPF-1, the new Airlines Control Program.
Non-It Related, Part Time
During my 5th Form Holidays at St. Gregory's College, I worked part time at the Embassy
sorting and filing correspondence from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
Philippine Embassies
Nigeria and Portugal
Philippine Embassies
Nigeria and Portugal
Opportunity to move back closer to Chicago and learn TPF-1, the new Airlines Control Program.
✈ ✈ ✈
Mainframes continue to be utilized by Government and companies.
Some continue to invest in the latest and fastest models, configurations and options. A z/Enterprise mainframe supposedly starts about $75,000.
Mainframes are the only type of hardware capable of efficiently handling the huge transactions
that are a common part of business operations in several
industries and companies that include:
Travel, Transportation, Cargo & Reservations:
American Airlines,
Citi Financial,
Delta Air Lines (reservations and operations),
DXC Technology,
IBM (Developer of the TPF Operating System),
Japan Airlines,
Marriott International,
Sabre Today, Sabre connects 57,000 travel agents and millions of consumers with more than 400 airlines, 90,000 hotels, 50 car rental companies, dozens of rail providers and more than 200 tour operators around the world) ,
Travelport (Galileo, Apollo, Worldspan),
United Airlines ...
American Express (authorizations),
Bank of America,
Bank of Tokyo,
Deutsche Bank,
Internal Revenue Service (IRS U.S Government),
Riyad Bank,
Royal Bank of Canada,
Union Bank,
US Bank,
VISA Inc (authorizations) ...
Insurance & Healthcare:
Blue Cross Blue Shield,
HealthPlan ,
Liberty Mutual (Safeco Insurance),
Nation Wide Insurance,
Progressive Insurance,
Standard Insurance,
United Health Care ...
As today's most secure enterprise server,
the IBM z14® can encrypt 100% of application, cloud service and database data. The z14 helps prevent breaches 8.4x more effectively, 93% cheaper and 81% faster than competing platforms.(3)
Website Introduction. Thank you for checking out this latest Website.
This web page consists mainly of HTML, CSS and Javascript. Some PHP code is used to display non
static information and dates. The interactive sections present modals or windows that pop up or down when click, or dropdown boxes when hovered
with a mouse or click on tables and mobile devices. Other media and amazon shopping pages would be an over kill but I'll be sure to add some of
those features in my next releases. You may wish to check some of my other selling active sites below:
Properties for Sale in Los Angeles county, California
Table of Contents (A description of the six NAVIGATION MENU TAB sections)
HOME - Reporting for duty and awaiting your order.
ABOUT - My professional profile.
SUMMARY - A table of individual Employment history relating to IT and Computer Science. When a row is clicked,
an interactive dropdown modal is displayed
with three tabs presenting:
a portfolio of selected experience,
a brief note on the company & my experience and
my leaving story or status.
PORTFOLIO - This section titled MY PORTFOLIO DETAILS comprise six boxes.
Welcome 3010 box:
This Table of Contents section.
IT Experience 3020 box:
A simplified version of the summary above.
Non IT Experience 3030 box:
List my Non Information Technology (IT) related work and experiences.
Education 3040 box:
A list of my degrees and certificates from High School to University.
Volunteer 3050 box:
A list of my weekend activities.
Talents & Achievements 3060 box:
What makes me happy?
The more recent test platforms and software languages utilized.
HTML, CSS, PHP, PYTHON, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, MySql are my languages and tools of choice to
work on my projects. My two test servers on my Windows Professional Desktop running simultaneously are:
XAMPP - on localhost port 80
MongoDB is installed and currently being tested to replace MySQL (MariaDB) for security and speed benefits.
Federal Express (FedEx), El Segundo, California Jan 1999 to Jan 2008
Federal Express (FedEx), El Segundo, California Jan 1999 to Jan 2008
Full participation and support in the Y2K project readiness and implementation.
Improved and fully Automate the Production implementation and f allback process.
Automated the manual Time Change and Truck Route update process. Developed and implement Federal Compliance and accountability packages.
Responsible for supporting Application programmers and 24x7 On-Call coverage support for Network Outage/Data Disaster Recovery Planning,
Testing and Support. TPF Systems responsibility and support SNA, 3270 Native Console Support, Data Collection/Reduction Support, FACE, SAL,
VM/CMS, TSO, TCP/IP protocol, XML, CLAW interface, DNS, IMS, MSW..
Responsible for upgrading the Operating System to TPF PUT Level to 21 for
migration in FCTB, RIAT, SIP, COMMs and user exits.
Reason for leaving: Contract terminated after extended medical leave caused by a horrific Automobile Accident.
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Chicago, Illinois Sep 1996 to Jan 1999
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Chicago, Illinois Sep 1996 to Jan 1999
Ten years after leaving the company, I returned back as Systems Engineer - Consultant (Analyst/Programmer) to expand the ailing Trading
Data Base which reached 93% in October 1997. the Trading data base, which was designed in 1981 had transformed into the Electronic Book and
Order Routing System data bases with unique characteristics and access methods. Liability Risks due to busy program trading can occur when stock
prices are not immediately synchronized from external data bases as in the” Black Monday” Stock Market Crash of October 19, 1987.
The project design involved a phased approach populating the new Trading Data Base with all combined transactions, with redundant back up
capabilities. A front-end application was designed to interface with legacy and new trading systems. The Data Base Expansion project was
designed, developed, tested and implemented on time by January 1998.
Resolved and closed numerous problems and work requests.
enhancing (GUI) screens, expanding database global tables.
Enhanced Screen mapping to support 4k message sizes.
Participated in the Y2K project on the TPF 4.1 platform.
Designing and documented the TPF Operating system support for Decimal Trading as required by the SEC; for this project, I was working back
in California).
Reason for leaving: Return back home to California and begin contracting at Federal Express.
Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jul 1995 to Mar 1996
Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jul 1995 to Mar 1996
Resolved outstanding Communications related shutdowns and problems in the Airlines control program. Reduced over all problems reported by
over 60%.
Provided Communications support between client server applications to Cargo IMS via TPF.
Reason for leaving: End of Maintenance Contract
DELTA Air Lines, Atlanta Georgia Mar 1994 to May 1994
DELTA Air Lines, Atlanta Georgia Mar 1994 to May 1994
Completed the Frequent Flyer program message delivery development between the IBM TPF mainframe and UNIX OLTP server host via AX.25.
Documented Communication solution proposals between TPF applications to UNIX Client servers in a variety of platforms including use of the
COVIA Comms Integrator and IBM 3745 FEP with LU 6.2 to TCP/IP conversion, the DELTA UFES and VECTR communications programs using a DACS FEP and
the Delta proprietary protocol to a UNIX Host and currently utilized by the Cargo Booking applications.
Implemented TPF Interim solutions (before the availability of the UNIX Client Server) to support the Frequent Flyer Marketing Program.
These included program EXITS in the END TRANSACTION program to support applications CASS Closeout, Manual updates, Redemptions, and Ticketing
Reason for leaving: Frequent Flyer Sky Miles Project Contract Ended.
GALILEO Centre Europe, Swindon, England, United KIngdom Mar 1991 to Oct 1993
GALILEO Centre Europe, Swindon, England, United KIngdom Mar 1991 to Oct 1993
This permanent hire situation was an opportunity to more often visit my elder sister and family.
Responsible for expanding the Swissair type TPF database that supported the 1993 aggressive 70% revenue increase.
Implementation of the COVIA Communications Manager V1.4 & Communications Integrator V2.0 packages.
Applied APARS fixes to TPF Communications program segments.
Resolved Communications and Systems problems resulting in improved service for all partners, airlines and providers.
Implementation of the ALITALIA Data Compression program.
Design and implemented of the Simulated Transaction Test Accelerator and Validation package.
Reason for leaving: Company Voluntary Resignation and acceptance of 1 year Bonus due to company buyout by Covia.
IBM Germany, Munich and Erding, Germany Sep 1990 to Feb 1991
IBM Germany, Munich and Erding, Germany Sep 1990 to Feb 1991
As TPF Communications Analyst, negotiated solutions between AMADEUS and EDS in Miami to support multiple terminal types and character
symbols for supported European Travel partners.
Interface Problem Solutions in TPF Communications Design and Code.
Reason for leaving: Move further away from the Gulf War.
IBM Korea, Subcontracted to Korean Airlines Seoul Korea Apr 1990 to Aug 1990
IBM Korea, Subcontracted to Korean Airlines Seoul Korea Apr 1990 to Aug 1990
Developed and installed a custom TPF to IMS Print SERVER Function for Korean Airlines.
Design a TPF to PS/55 UIO Requirement/Functional Specification for 32/40 line 3270 devices.
Reason for leaving: Contract Completion.
IBM Canada, Toronto and Winnipeg, Canada Apr 1989 to Mar 1990
IBM Canada, Toronto and Winnipeg, Canada Apr 1989 to Mar 1990
Under contract with IBM to work on the Gemini Reservation System jointly owned by Air Canada, Canadian Air and the VIA rail reservation
systems. While in Toronto, I installed and tested the Bank of America LU 6.2 Pipeline Manager code to replace the Message Switching system
platform MSW into the Gemini System.
Moving to Winnipeg, I designed the message database package to support the universal Global Logical Identifier concept for the
Communications Management Configuration Host.
Without the UNIX server still under construction, I developed a "proof of concept" software to locally validate the
design processes, which was accepted.
Reason for leaving: Contract Completion.
Continental Airlines System One, El Segundo, California Mar 1985 to Mar 1989
Continental Airlines System One, El Segundo, California Mar 1985 to Mar 1989
Installed Direct SLC links to AMERICAN, EASTERN, UNITED, ARINC and SITA.
Improved the offline Dual Database Load Facility, significantly decreasing the one hour system outage to 8 minutes.
Optimized the FACE table update process.
Implemented EASTERN Airline' s SABRETALK compiler for application programmers.
Developed CMS EXECs for maintaining the BDAM files and production turnover of SABRE programs and macros.
Design and implement Online and Offline programs to display, update, and generate a cross reference report for the Accounting Location Code
in the AAA, used by Reservations Applications for Travel Agency Business Id for British Caledonia and other SHARES partner airline users.
Resolved problems in rebuilding lost tape data records and labels caused by I/O errors, re-linking of lost ON-LINE message queues and data
records, resolving looping CTL dumps, resolving ETIM abends, the rebuilding of LOST source codes from executable modules.
Reason for leaving: I was very excited to accept my first foreign contract in nearby Canada.
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Chicago, Illinois Sep 1981 to Mar 1985
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Chicago, Illinois Sep 1981 to Mar 1985
From a TPF Programmer trainee to Senior System Software Programmer, responsible for the re-design,
development and implementation of several financial online and offline applications. Developed programs for transferring data to external
services. Developed the CBOE unique 3270/Quotron Terminal Device Mapping package. (In 2009, 90% of these applications continue to run and
support the Trading Systems.
Manager of Distributed Systems organizing and managing various projects.
Reason for leaving: Relocate to sunny California
Market Research Corporation of America (MRCA), Northbrook, Illinois Aug 1979 to Sep 1981
Market Research Corporation of America (MRCA), Northbrook, Illinois Aug 1979 to Sep 1981
As Project Leader, responsible for maintaining various data reduction/statistical programs in COBOL, ASSEMBLER, RPG, FORTRAN and other
languages. Reports from these programs provide valuable information to retail and consumer service industries.
Reason for leaving: Opportunity to move back closer to Chicago and learn TPF-1 or Airlines Control Program.
SCHWINN Bicycle Company Apr 1978 to Aug 1979
SCHWINN Bicycle Company Apr 1978 to Aug 1979
I began as the Night Shift Computer Operator. When the programmer went on sick leave, I given a chance to work as programmer on inventory
application using Assembler, COBOL and FORTRAN languages.
Baxter/Travenol Corp, Deerfield, Illinois Oct 1977 to Mar 1978
COBOL, CICS, MIS Contract Programmer on inventory and accounting applications.
Baxter/Travenol Corp, Deerfield, Illinois Oct 1977 to Mar 1978
CF Industries Corp, Deerfield, Illinois Feb 1977 to July 1977
COBOL, CICS, MIS Contract Programmer on inventory and accounting applications.
CF Industries Corp, Deerfield, Illinois Feb 1977 to July 1977
Wisconsin Steel Corp, South Deering, Illinois Nov 1976 to Feb 1977
COBOL, CICS, MIS Contract Programmer on inventory and accounting applications.
Wisconsin Steel Corp, South Deering, Illinois Nov 1976 to Feb 1977
F. J. LITTELL, Chicago Illinois Jun 1975 to Oct 1976
F. J. LITTELL, Chicago Illinois Jun 1975 to Oct 1976
Having started with this company as Computer Operator while attending University, I was given the opportunity to develop and implement my
first inventory application program in COBOL.
INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES: I spent several months months betwen 2016 and 2018
in the Far East with the task to sort out titles, capital gains taxes of inheritance farms and other Real Estate properties.
Validation of "clean" titles with local Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and government offices.
Issuing notices and negotiating with tenants and farmers of the planned sale.
Marketing strategy in advertising and pricing for the properties with co-owners and local brokers.
Maintain advertising at property portal websites for price adjustments or sold properties
Respond to email inquiries and relaying copies of the inquiries and purchase offers to family for action.
Los Angeles County, California Vacant Lot PROPERTIES: In October 2007, I acquired six (6) vacant city lots totaling 43,366 Sq Ft (2.295 Acres) in
Azusa, Covina
Verdosa, Whittier
San Gabriel Cyn, Azusa
Corona, Glendale
Onteora, Eagle Rock, Pasadena and
Fernbush, Bel Air
The sale of one investment property, specifically the Eagle Rock vacant land sustained us during difficult periods.
Status: International Sales are handled by family, property manager and local brokers. The sale of the California properties are listed by a local broker.
On June 14, 2014 an unlimited civil complaint was filed by our 2nd counsel at the Orange County Superior Court in California against brokers and their officers for breach of contract, negligence, negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentations and breach of fiduciary duty that led to foreclosure of Real Estate property that occurred in 2012. Two weeks before the Jury Trial date of 02/22/2016, I took over as “Self-Represented” plaintiff after my attorney filed and was granted “ex parte” to be relieved as counsel. He failed to file motion for discovery! The tasks to prepare for trial included learning and preparing motions on pleading paper and electronic filing to court. These tasks included but not limited to:
attending case management conferences, mandatory settlements, hearings,
adhering to strict court procedures,
demanding discovery from the opposition, their officers and banks, “Ex Parte” pleadings,
sorting out multiple Motions in Limine prohibiting evidence and Fee Waivers,
preparing subpoenas to serve witnesses, Rule 317 pre-trial compliance,
distribution of exhibits, diagrams, evidence and CACI jury instructions for the five causes of action lawsuit,
the opening statement, questions and cross examination of witnesses at the Trial between 11/28/2017 to 1/30/2017.
Status: Opposing counsel did not even say a word. None of the defendants appeared. On the second day, the judge mumbled, walked out. Without any court order, the clerk instructed us to go home. We filed a complaint but judge Andrew Banks has yet to respond. I need funds to continue with the Mistrial.
Built a spa on a 2,200 SF space in downtown Brea at 407 W. Imperial Highway, Suite E, Brea, CA 92821 located in the Brea Gateway Center and Colliers International.
Open a Holistic Treatment Center offering therapeutic massage, beauty treatment and pain management center in the city of Brea.
Hired State licensed therapists.
Developed and maintained Menu of Services and specials.
Handled marketing, developed web sites, hiring, develop bi-weekly payroll system, supplies and finance.
Developed software to automate client appointments/sign in, employee Time in/out and scheduling, bi-monthly payroll, inventory and other requirements in compliance with State and City Ordinance.
Trained managers to run the business from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM - 7 days a week.
Developed advertising materials for online websites and magazine publications.
As owner manager, I was responsible for everyone’s safety and to promote an atmosphere conducive for total relaxation and enjoyment; in support of the business motto: “Lift the weight of time in our tranquil environment, released from pain, stress and tension from the ‘everyday’ and emerge renewed from our four unique stations”.
Status: Business was sold. My plans to open a franchise and other ventures in the Far East did not
materialize as the buyers abandoned the Spa in 2013.
The breach of contract case was settled in 2018.
Annual payments from the buyers will end on September 30, 2025.
Investing in Real Estate and needing to save on commissions, I acquired my California Real Estate Salesman’s license #01742064, I initially registered with a Century21 Broker for a while.
I joined Real Estate Ebroker Inc, headquartered in Oceanside, California. Rather than taking 50%, this brokerage only took 4% or less commission cut, which worked out very well. Today. No wonder this broker has over 2,500 agents.
In 2006, I acquired half a dozen properties at auction available only to Licensees.
Between 2005 and 2007, I represented Bishop Tod Brown, Diocese of Orange in acquiring suitable offsite (rectory) or residential properties.
I stopped when Real Estate prices began to plummet in 2007 with the banking crisis, the 2008 financial crisis and the great recession reaching new lows in 2012.
member: Southern California Multiple Listing Service
member: California Association of Realtors
member: National Association of Realtors
Regular Clients included the Diocese of Orange, Orange County, California
Regular Clients included the Diocese of Orange, Orange County, California
Remaining properties
are listed with
Adela Brown of Associates Realty Group> Properties for Sale in Los Angeles county, California
As a God fearing family willing to serve HIS people, the first thing we try to visit is a Holy Place for Prayer and Thanksgiving.
Click the table headers to sort the table accordingly:
Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Las Vegas, Nevada
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Las Vegas, Nevada
St. Francis of Assisi Church, Henderson, Nevada
Eucharistic Minister
Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer, Henderson, Nevada
Sacristan, Lector, Eucharistic Minister
St. Rose Dominican hospital Chapel, Las Vegas, Nevada
St. Anthony Claret, Anaheim, California
Lector & Eucharistic Minister
Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove, California
Eucharistic Minister
Holy Family Cathedral, Orange, California
Lector & Eucharistic Minister
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, La Habra, California
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator
St. Angela Merici Church, Brea, California
Knight of Columbus
Council 9511, Orange County, California
Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago, Illinois
Choir Member
St. Peter's Catholic Church, Swindon, England
Wherever we travel, we try to see Our Lord in the face of every one we meet.
To serve Him is to feed His sheep.
On a January 2007 Sunday in Phuket, Thailand, we attended Eucharistic Celebration in a small room at the Westin Siray Bay Resort & Spa,
where we served at Mass celebrated by an American priest. The Altar was the BAR with white linen. A vacationing American Family also attended
In the Spring of 1990 in South Korea, we would attend the Sunday English Mass at St. Francis Chapel at 707, Hannam-Dong Seoul.
Christmas in Jerusalem, we attend and served at Mass in a sm all chapel inside the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center near the New Gate about
300 feet from the Holy Sepulchre and St. Francis.
Member Chicago Federation of Musicians 1971 to 1984
Professional musician, band leader
with several show groups
Area: Chicago Metropolitan, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin
Not professionally trained, I started playing harmonica and recorder at the age of three. Being a fast learner, I have been able to pick up and play most instruments immediately. I bought a violin a while ago but have yet to find time to practice with it!
I am able to "playing by ear" by listening to a tune at least two times and playing and singing the song on the keyboard in the same beat and key.
Music brings people together! For me, music mirrors my feelings;
My hobby developing websites began when dial-up speed got faster at 28.8Kbps. From the 90's to 2012, I used Microsoft Front Page 2003, Microsoft Expression Web, Adobe Flash CS3 Professional, Macromedia Suite, Dreamweaver, Flash 8, Fireworks. Most of the websites I developed were in exchange for services, free for family and the Church.
XAMPP or [Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P)] is my established
web server platform for testing my projects. I am running the Windows version is 7.3.1.
WAMP or [Windows, Apache, MySql and Php] is my second web server platform
on the same Desktop on port:81. The recent version installed is: wampstack-7.1.29-0
MongoDB is my Database on my WAMP server. The main benefit reported over MySQL is supposedly the
speed in handling large unstructured data, sensitivity to workload and storing JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas.
(I plan to replace MySQL after validating the benefits with my comparison testing
Developed in 1990 HTML or Hypertext Markup Language
is used to create web pages. Without HTML, a browser would not know how
to display text as elements or load images or other elements.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) makes my job easy for presentation, adapting to different devices, screens and printers,
used to set the style in web pages containing HTML elements. Specifically the colors, font family & sizes and more.
Bootstrap is responsive and mobile-first and like CSS, makes designing websites faster and easier.
It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,
tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and more are evidenced in carousel boxes at the bottom of the pages.
Javascript is an object-oriented language that make dynamic and interactive web pages,
most commonly used on the client side and written into an HTML page.
Most Internet functions are coded in some form of JavaScript and currently used by 94.5% of all websites.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), based on a subset of JavaScript and used for sending & receiving.
JSON format is text only and used as a data format by any programming language.
jQuery is sort of speaking in "slang", simplifying complicated lines of AJAX, DOM and Javascript.
jQuery, AJAX and JSON speeds the development process; although testing with different browsers and devices are a must, just new toys I should have had before!
The Document Object Model (DOM) programming interface for HTML and XML documents
represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style and content.
Python, a general purpose high level programming language is used for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web
applications. Along with Assembly language, Python is a widely used for Cyber Security.
PyCharm is a Python IDE with lots of features including Google App Engine support and remote development. Memory consumption is high and inefficient Memory recovery slows down the system.
Visual Studio 2019 is my other platform for testing complex projects and websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps.
Supports: Windows, Mac, iphone/iPad. Android and Linux.
Unlike the pricey Cloud based Office 365, the new Office Professional Plus 2016 makes collaboration and teamwork easier It contains the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
OneNote, and Outlook. Along with Publisher and Access, it is licensed for Home and Commercial use.
I am very proficient with Outlook, Word,
Excel, Visual Basic, Publisher, Visio, PowerPoint, Access and OneNote
Visual Basic came with my first Office 2003, 2007 and Office 2019.
I designed and developed the bi-monthly Payroll System for 60 employees at Eurasian Reflexology.
My expertise includes VSB Macros, Forms and integrated services for mail processing Outlook, Word and Excel sheets.
I began formatting response messages from the IBM Mainframe (TPF server) using Assembler Language to XML format in response to client transactions in 2006.
Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe Flash were my htm development tools for over 10 years.
I no longer use flash, but you can view some of my work in my older websites.
Malware is dependent on Flash Player flaws.
GitHub is the world's largest software development platform.
It provides cloud storage for source code, supports all popular programming languages, and streamlines the iteration process.
Git is a revision control system, a tool to manage your source code history. GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories. So they are not the same thing: Git is the tool, GitHub is the service for projects that use Git.
I am a NOVICE using GitHub.
Assembly language (or Assembler Language) used primarily
for direct hardware, processor, device drivers, low-level embedded, real-time systems or to address critical performance issues.
My PC development IDE is Visual MASM.
I am a master of the Assembler Language
in the present z/IBM Super Computer Mainframe world and an intermediate user in Windows platforms.